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Thunder Equipment Launcher Operation

Thunder Equipment - Launcher Operation

* Reloading time takes about 5 seconds! * Cost per shot is less than 1 cent! *

Launcher operation is similar to using a gun. Load your ammo, cock the hammer, and fire. The only difference is that the "ammo" is MAPP gas and "cocking the hammer" is done by pressing the transmitter button.

1) Load the bumpers on the front rotator.
2) Screw in the MAPP gas cylinder. This can be purchased from any hardware store, WalMart, or many other retailers.
3) Connect the remote electronics, such as Dogtra. All systems are compatible.
4) Press your remote once to "cock" and once to to fire. Will fire 5 bumpers before needing reloaded

I recently received a call from someone asking about the benefits of using a multiple shot launcher over a single, sling type. As we talked it became obvious to me that there is an opportunity to help educate on the benefits and proper use of this training device. Multiple shot launchers have various benefits; multiple dogs can be run without reloading, small - lightweight design is easier to transport, and training by yourself can be enhanced by using the gun station for "assistance".

Let's talk a little about gunner assistance. Most of you know that when you send your dog on a mark, especially a young dog that is just beginning, the last thing you want to do is handle if your dog has difficulty. If you are training with multiple people the gunner will say "hey, hey", slowly walk toward the fall area, move their arm, or any other type of activity to help the dog stay in the area and find the mark. If you are training alone with a single shot launcher once you send the dog for the mark how can you help your dog to find the mark if they need it? Suppose your dog puts on a GREAT hunt in the fall area but gets slightly confused and starts to leave the area, if you can't help them you can't be ultimately successful in teaching the proper behavior.

Many people will use an audible signal from the receiver on the electronics to keep the dog in the area. This is a viable approach but not always successful. There have been many occasions where the dog has difficulty correlating the sound with the fall area. I have utilized the multiple shot launcher training on any gun stations not manned with a live person to discharge another bumper when the dog is to a point where they can be helped. Maybe they have just left the area and the audible signal wasn't successful. Maybe they are breaking down before the fall and you want to increase momentum. Maybe they are getting tired and you want to discontinue their hunt with success before failure. All of these scenarios dictate the ability to shoot another bumper into the same spot.

You can also see why, even if you only have a couple dogs, multiple shot launchers can be very beneficial. On difficult marks I have often used all of the bumpers for just a few dogs.